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Spiritual Direction

A companion for your spiritual journey

Nicky offers spiritual direction based in the Christian contemplative tradition, helping people grow closer to God or the Divine as they live their everyday.

She also welcomes people from non-religious and other faith traditions.




It is so refreshing to sit in a quiet space with a candle burning to represent the presence of the Holy Spirit. Nicky listens deeply and gently prompts me to pay closer attention to where God may be present, or whispering to me in the wonderings of my heart. Silence is held when needed and space is opened for honesty, questions and reflection.

Nicky creates a safe place to explore faith, to ask questions of God and wrestle or rest in the unknown.

She is warm and accepting. Nicky sits alongside, as a fellow pilgrim, with a quiet confidence that God is present.


The experience of receiving spiritual direction from Nicky has been soul nourishing. I'm so thankful for the way that she has guided me into a deeper relationship with my soul and with God through her gentle yet wise and intuitive approach. I love the way that Nicky provides a safe, supportive container for our sessions to unfold and I love the abundance of spiritual disciplines that she has offered me throughout our sessions. I've noticed myself being able to integrate some of the approaches Nicky has introduced to me into my daily life, which has enabled me to connect more profoundly to myself and to the presence of God within my being. 


Thank you so much for all of our sessions to date, Nicky!


Since I have been working with Nicky, I have learnt to see myself and my walk with God through a new lens. Nicky has helped bring clarity to things that were hazy, both spiritually and within myself. She has helped me to navigate my emotions, experience God in new ways. Nicky, as a spiritual director brings a unique set of giftings. She has a beautiful, peaceful manner about her and listens to you in such a way that you feel like she is hearing your heart, not just your words. She has encouraged me to explore God through my creativity, bringing new depth and joy in my relationship with God. She has spoken encouragement into my weary soul and courage into my failing heart. To sit with God under Nicky’s guidance is to be refreshed, restored and renewed
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"Spiritual Direction is the exploration of a person's spiritual path with someone trained in listening, deep reflection and discernment"

Teresa Blythe

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